Congratulations to my friend Lokwii, who got married a couple months ago. He's the first person in Nakaale to decide that as a Christian he wanted to actually make vows to his wife, not just pay cows for her and take her (or just take her) as the usual practice is. It takes a lot of guts to do that! Anyway, I'm very happy for him and his bride, Helen.
He's 18 now; this picture was taken in May of 2004.
Get married so young?!
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM
That's probably pretty young for a man to get married - usually it takes longer before any bride-payment can be worked out. Women are usually having kids well before they're 18, though.
Amanda, at 11:39 AM
These names aren't the same, but I'm a sucker for anything interesting linguistically. We have a great friend from Kaabong who got to go to secondary school in Mbale. "One" of his names is "Lodukwee" (that's his 'school' name). One day he told me what it 'kind of' means. It's the word 'kind of' for intermittent gunfire. Who knows if they're similar! Just interesting.
The Reeds, at 5:56 AM
Thanks for that linguistic tidbit! I wish I'd thought to ask Lokwii what his name means so we could see if it's something similar.
Amanda, at 8:30 PM
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