
Monday, January 30, 2006

Jinja schoolkids

Here's some really good b&w photos of schoolkids in Jinja (the city at the mouth of the Nile) that someone else took, but they remind me a lot of some of the kids in Karamoja. For some reason this week I have been missing the kids a lot - Lokwii, Loru, Aleper (Joyce's son who taught me the word for "mud"), and many others. I just want to know how they're doing. Guess I should ask my friends who were just there, huh? I also want to hang out with them, but that's not so doable right now...

I'm missing the Tricarico and Wright kids, too - Rachel with her many interesting good and otherwise qualities (that's not in a mean sense; she reminds me so much of myself at 13, only she's much better, I think), even teaching science to Mary and Kips and Josh, which was the hardest subject I had. (Five and six year olds do okay with hands-on stuff, but they do have short attention spans! :) )


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