
Sunday, January 15, 2006

May 23
Karamojong is hard language - my tongue trips constantly over all the vowels - but I'm starting to get some of it. And once you start getting the hang of it, singing in Karamojong is really cool. I have the "Amina amina amina" song stuck in my head now ("Amina amina amina/epol amina/Kristo erai amina..."), which means a lot more since Martha told me it's saying that if I speak w/ the tongues of men and angels but have not love... (well, it might not say that exactly, but it's based on that passage in 1 Cor.).

May 25
On Friday night one of the ascaris (Richard) came to the door and told Martha that the enemies were here. He was all ready to shoot to kill if anyone so much as came near, I think, which was a little disturbing for Martha to have to deal with. She told him very firmly that he will NOT shoot. [Bob was in Kampala.] The bullets from an AK can travel a kilometer - easily as far as Josephine and Richard's house. Anyway, I spent the night. Rachel, Anna, and I had a slumber party and stayed up for a good couple hours in the dark, telling jokes and stories. It was really was a fun time.

Last night I slept over there, too, since we finished watching The Two Towers at ten, and Bob's truck was still hooked up to the trailed (the van is up on blocks, needing springs). Of course I could've walked home with Richard, but it is sort of nice to be able to just stay over there. I really appreciate them letting me do that.


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