
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Prayer Requests

I just got an update from Martha and from Katie. It sounds like they're going through a lot of tough times right now. They had to fire a watchman because he was drunk and actually beat up the wife of one of the clinic staff members. Well, he wasn't too happy with that. He complained, got a bunch of other watchmen who had also been fired for drunkeness to complain (this isn't a show up once to work a little wasted kind of thing), and apparently there have been threats against some of the men at the mission. I guess it's hard to gauge how much danger they'd actually be in, but if one of these guys gets drunk and gets on the mission compound, there could be serious problems. It must be very discouraging. Hard to be objective when you're surrounded by violent, drunken people sometimes. But at the same time, these people need the gospel as much as any of us. Someone with experience counselling drug addicts would be very helpful, Martha thinks.

At the same time, she writes that she's thankful for the opportunities to fellowship with people in the village; it sounds like they're really making some good connections with children and their mothers. And they have their own Sunday school building now (a traditional shelter) - no more meeting under the tree where the wind sometimes whips up the tarp you sit on and all the kids are freezing!


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