
Friday, July 07, 2006

Very Tasty

I got A Taste of Uganda for my birthday, imported direct from Kampala by Amazon.com! It has recipes that I'll never make, such as White Ant Relish or Grasshoppers I & II. (That reminds me of a little girl in one of the villages; she was carrying around a cup full of little winged ants, a tasty and probably nutritious (?) snack.) But it also has lots of rice and bean and pumpkin and sweet potato recipes that I'll make. And fried samosas and mandazis...mmm!

A guy from church just got back last week from a month in Karamoja. (People from Billings are ever going to Uganda!) It sounds like he had a good time, and Kris says he helped get a lot of work done. He brought back my beads that Lokwii had been stringing for me, which made me ridiculously happy. Also my Karamojong stool and recent pictures from Rachel, which was even better than the beads.

In Martha and Chrissie's last updates this week, they said they were starting a class in a few of the local schools, so hopefully that's going well.


  • Hi, Amanda,
    I'm enjoying my Saturday morning cup of coffee and checking up on everyone's blogs. Could you post stories and pictures of Jake's trip?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:16 AM  

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