
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Let It Rain...

According to the latest news reports, Karamoja should expect a decent harvest!

Tuesday, May 9th
Today I nearly put "no akiru" as the subject of my email update, but it's just as well I wasn't too hasty - it did rain quite hard this afternoon. Having been without a hard rain for days, the sound of it on the roof was even nicer than usual.

I met Josephine's son Dennis today. [He was one of the schoolboys working during vacation to earn money.] I was going to bring the laundry in but looked at the clouds and couldn't decide on urgency, so I asked him (he was getting water from the faucet by the back door), expecting a simple answer. He told me I had some time - maybe 20 minutes. Then a bit later I head a "Hodi? Amanda" and he informed me that the rain was coming. He helped collect the laundry and then sure enough, just after I got inside, the rain started.

Finally we've got a really good, hard rain. Tonight it was coming down so hard that Amy, Chrissie, and I got very wet just running to the Wrights' van. It was perfect for taking a shower in, except too darn cold.

So today Martha and I did a little work on the Karamojong songbook, which she's been editing. Reading through it got a lot of different songs stuck in my head - the tune at least, if I don't know enough of the words.

Father Lorenzo stopped by this afternoon and was asked to dinner. He's an Italian, with an Italian accent and sense of humor. [We were talking about how a good harvest is something to look forward to, and yet then everyone just uses the sorghum to make beer and get drunk. But the beer actually has more nutrients in it than just plain sorghum. What to do? "Ah," sighed Father Lorenzo. "Philosophy."]

Rachel and I made stir fry for dinner. It was fun bouncing ideas off each other and talking about The Village as we chopped vegetables. Then this evening she taught me a card game called Idiot, which did make me feel stupid (it's tricky) but was very fun. I was glad to have a hang out day with her.


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