
Monday, June 12, 2006

The Nakaale Baseball Team

Rachel about to hit a homer

Every school day the kids have PE class, which is possibly the favorite of a few and not so favorite of others. After stretching and so on, there's usually a game of (Ugandan) football, basketball, or baseball. Amy and Chrissie have come up with some creative ways to make PE fun, like "Wacky Hair Wednesday" or, when I was there, "Twin Tuesday" and "Bob Wright Day." All the Karamojong who work around the schoolhouse stopped and stared as we trooped into the yard wearing Bob's t-shirts (and shorts, in some cases). "You're going to return them tomorrow?" someone asked, making sure we weren't making off with all Bob's clothes. :)

I should confess here, though, that I only went to PE on special occasions...


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