Tues. April 25th
Mary, Kipsy, and I did Bible class until 9 o'clock - they had a craft project putting the Old Testament books in order, and we were reading stories from their text book, and coloring pictures for Martha to use. Then Martha and I headed out into the field nearest the house, where Patrick [the weeding supervisor, who I'm guesing is around my age] had the weeders start.
Martha read the parable of the rich man's banquet (he invited his friends, but they all had some excuse; so he brought in the poor, the lame, the blind) using a Karamojong story book. Patrick translated when she needed assistance. I walked around holding the pictures so everyone got a look, which was a little tricky because there were about 50 people - mostly women but a few children - who wanted to see, and also I didn't understand what Martha was saying, so she had to tell me when to change pictures. It worked out well, though! Many of these are ones who don't come to church - there's no reason to if they're not believing in Christ, but how can they without hearing the gospel of God's grace?
As Martha and I were walking back, a women came running across the field and snatched her baby up while another woman hoed to death the snake had been just by this child. That was pretty scary. Martha says weeding is actually quite a dangerous job, because of the snakes.
I did (well, not actually working with Bob, but I was there, and the Wrights are good friends of mine). I met Herb, too, quite a few years back when our church first got involved with things there - he got us very excited about the work in Karamoja. You fly out of Entebbe; if you're looking into flights, British Air or KLM are probably the best options...
Amanda, at 9:06 AM
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