Goat Roasts and Cobra Snakes
If you got here looking for pictures or info on cobras, you might try this page at Wikipedia...
Update from Amanda:
Yesterday Pastor Al brought my stuff from Kampala. It's been fun borrowing clothes off the other girls, but getting a bunch of my own stuff suddenly felt sort of like Christmas. :)
Today I taught science to P4 (we're studying electricity) and P1, and the older girls and I discussed To Kill a Mockingbird. For p4 we made these cool contraptions with a battery, foil wires, rubberbands, a penny, and light bulb that you can use to tell whether a small object is a conductor or insulator. I think we all had a good time...
So far I've missed all the snakes here - Amy, Nolan, and Rachel found a cobra at Joyce's house in the village, and then yesterday or the day before there was a small python on the compound (I was really bummed about missing that one, but will try to get pictures from Amy).
Tomorrow is a goat roast in honor of Pastor Dave - I'm looking forward to it!
My learning Karamojong is not coming along very fast, but I do have a favorite word: aki-mobilize. When Rose is going to tell everyone in her village to come for a Bible study, she is aki-mobilizing. :)
Sorry that's not much; I can't think of anything else right now, which is too bad...
sounds pretty fun over there, Amanda!
you could make an excellent travelogue of all this; i suppose your e-mail correspondence could serve as the beginnings of something like that.
is there an elaborate water purifying system on the compound, or do you live by the boiling standard of purification?
God bless.
Michael Sarabia, at 5:19 PM
well, I'll keep posting stuff on here for a while and see if anything ever comes of it. :)
actually, you can drink the water in Karamoja (as long it comes out of a tap or a bore hole), but that's about the only place in Uganda where you don't have to worry about parasites! Having instantly drinkable water was a huge blessing...
Amanda, at 8:36 AM
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