
Friday, December 01, 2006


Thanks to Katie for this one; it's one of my favorite Karamoja pictures of all time. :) The girl in the plaid dress is Joyce's daughter Opie (Opee-ay)...I'm not sure who the others are, but they're cute!


  • The kids are adorable.

    Amanda, I'm so impressed how consistent your blogging is under one theme.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:23 PM  

  • Joyce's daughter has short hair as do all the other children. Are they all girls? So I assume boys and girls have short hair. How often is their hair cut?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:39 AM  

  • Thanks, So Rie!

    Berta, that's a boy on the left, and maybe also next to him, and I think the rest are girls. Yes, they both have short hair - it's much practical that way! I've never seen anyone getting a hair cut, except for a baby whose mother was shaving his head so he could get an IV put in. She knew how to use a razor blade, so I assume that's what they use for hair cuts.

    It's very stylish for the richer women (those who work at the clinic or live in town) to add extensions to their hair (usually black or brown, but sometimes reddish or purplish). Other women, like Rose and Joyce, usually braid theirs close to their head, so it looks like there's not much there - until one day when you see it unbraided and combed!

    By Blogger Amanda, at 7:44 AM  

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