
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Baby Morning

Kris just e-mailed to let me know that Segal (the head nurse at the clinic) and his wife Joyce (or Mamachippa, to distinguish her from the other Joyce, Aleper's mom) have a new baby. Apparently Joyce had her baby on the bedroom floor, a month early, and during a case of malaria, but they're both doing well.

Here's what Kris says:
She is a very tiny, very perfect, beautiful little, fuzzy head of hair, little baby.

I got all excited because I thought I'd get to see her in October, but actually I'll just get to the Eldeens, who are coming here. (Which is going to be great!)

Anyway, that was completely wonderful news to get this morning. Babies die do often in Karamoja (they die so often here, too, for being in a first world country), and this just makes me so, so thankful for her safe delivery.

Segal and Joyce decided, fittingly, to call her Morning.


  • what a pretty name

    By Blogger dangermama, at 2:14 PM  

  • yeah! another baby in K'moja is named Sunshine (after the pastor's wife) and she is one of the cutest babies ever...

    it's nice getting comments from you every so often - glad you're still around. ;-)

    By Blogger Amanda, at 6:05 PM  

  • yeah, I usually check you out every day... so I like when you have new posts

    By Blogger dangermama, at 2:31 PM  

  • cool!

    I'll try to post updates more often. ;-)

    By Blogger Amanda, at 7:43 AM  

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